I bought my domain name www.alicedear.co.uk which I chose over awaspinawig.co.uk because I wanted something versatile that I can use long term, even if I choose to re-brand my self and my illustrations.
I uploaded my collaboration work with fashion communication student Robyn Shaw as my first post because I think these illustrations look more professional than some of my others.
After I uploaded them I realised you have to click on the image in order to see the post/page and the rest of the images. So I edited my thumbnail image on Photoshop so that it had a 'Click Here' on it. This way the audience has the directions necessary not to miss out on the post.
Now I've done the text but all the colours and sizes are all different and I don't like it looking that mix matched so I will be making an overall design with a set shape and size as a template and play around with how I can put the individuality of each project into that. looking at other peoples websites will definitely help.
I think maybe having the thumbnails in black and white will allow me to keep the image but keep the front page succinct. However I am cautious about this because all my work is often about colour. So it would sort of look like this:
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