Saturday, 26 September 2015

Artist Research: Damien Cuypers

I really want to start doing some quick weekly blog posts about current relevant topics, particularly focussing on fashion illustration. This is not 100% the road I want to go down but it is definitely something I love and have a massive interest for in my personal life (I may not dress fashionably but I love the art form, the design, and the theatrics involved!)

Here is one artist I looked at on my Tumblr which really inspires me to create some spontaneous and quick sketches to capture the fashion world using a colourful media -one that I don't use enough of - coloured crayon/pencil.

I was thinking of using this idea for some of my Studio Practice self set briefs... perhaps featuring a blogger (fashion/beauty/baking etc) on my own Tumblr every Sunday (for example). I would create a few quick illustrations for them based on their own photos from their blogs/instagrams and then do a small section on why I really like them, why they inspire me or why they inspire others etc! I thought this would be a really good idea for me as I do this anyway I just don't write it down! It would be a good platform to build up for collaborations as well if I could draw their attention to my work and they could be a great promotional tool! This generation uses social media to really empower individuals and self set up businesses to get a fan base and loyal customers etc or to just get your name out!

I am constantly inspired on apps such as Instagram and follow loads of individuals and brands that I absolutely love! I always am seeing things that I want to interpret through drawing so this would be a great opportunity for me to do this. If I set myself a saturday or sunday morning -say 8am till 12pm to research, draw and write up the blog post it means I can do it often and reliably and practice sticking to a schedule and time limit regularly. This wouldn't seem like much at the time however over the year it will add up and if I use my Tumblr to create a particular page for this project it means that I can seperate this project into its own social media spot!... drawing in a new audience (that of the bloggers/brands and the bloggers/brands themselves) and it may lead to other opportunities of collaborations with them as they use visual ques on their own social media to entice people to the creativity of their brands etc so they may love some drawn work!... if not it is still something that I will enjoy and won't take too much time away from my other projects if I just focuss one morning a week purely on this particular project!

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