Sunday, 16 March 2014

OUIL402 PPP1: Study Task 6 - What is Illustration For? - Part 1

  • What is Illustration?
  1. According to the National Museum of Illustration in Rhode Island, USA, 'illustrators combine personal expression with pictorial representation in order to convey ideas'.
  2. Design writer and art director Steven Heller stated that 'Illustration was the people's art'.
  3. National Museum of Illustration; ' illustration serves as a reservoir of our social and cultural history', 'illustration is therefore a significant and enduring art form'. 
  • What is Illustration for? What is it's function?
  1. To communicate a message or meaning.
  2. 'It is illustrated images that capture the imagination, that remain with the viewer and that inextricably tie moments in one's personal history with the present. 
  3. On a grander scale; 'Illustration has recorded man's achievements, interpreting them in a way not possible before the birth of photography.' ... for example; the paintings of pompeii, the Aboriginal wall paintings of Australia, the frescoes of Italy, and you understand a moment of time, and the belief systems of the population'.
  4. Contemporary illustrations with their roots within the magazine racks, bookshelves and record collections of our homes stand as testament to the importance we place on the art and craft of the discipline. 
  • Where do you find illustration? In what context does it exist?
  1. In advertising
Commercial advertising MetLife Stadium using a cute and charming mix of real life film and cartoon;
  1. In packaging
  1. In editorial
George Butlers G2 Cover
  1. In portraiture
Jillian Tamaki's portraits:
  1. In set design
Grand Theft Auto Set Design:
Minature Set design:

  1. In character design
Character design used here to produce these lovable meerkats which the nation can get involved with by actually recieving their own character; the plush toy meerkat character is actually used as an incentive to join the company/buy its products:
  1. CD sleeves/record covers
  • Who are the specific audiences for illustration?
  1. Consumers of products (illustrations used on products)
  2. Consumers of products (illustrations used to advertise the products)
  3. Children (illustrations used to communicate a story when they are unable to read words)
  4. The public reading through a newspaper or magazine article (illustrations accompany the article to draw the audience in to read the article, or to obtain a clearer understanding of the article)
  5. Those unable to understand the language (illustrations such as signs and symbols used so that anyone with the same contextual understanding can understand them, e.g. woman and man stick figures representing a toilet) 

A Book
A Magazine Article
A Website that uses illustration
An Agency / Illustrators website
A 3D object that contains illustration

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