Monday, 10 February 2014

OUIL402 PP1: Study Task 4 - Where am I now?

Ten things I have learnt about myself as an illustrator:
  1. Colour is really important to me and I need to consider the effects of colour on my work before starting the piece. 
  2. I need to explore ideas more and think about the concept clearly and symbols to portray the message before I begin making a finished piece. 
  3. I really understand the importance of frame and composition now, it is important that I continually keep this in mind when creating work.
  4. I really enjoy doing my own work so I will make time to just enjoy art without a brief. 
  5. I really need to explore media more and make time for this. 
  6. It is important to think about the key elements of the message and how to accentuate these in my illustrations. 
  7. I definitely am not that interested in action illustration like comic books, even though I admire and am interested in some, for example Persepolis.
  8. I am interested in patterns and illustrations that are aesthetically enjoyable/emotional/controversial to look at either by colour, media or content.  
  9. I really enjoy the immediacy and portrayal of emotion using paint and so I would like to do some more larger scale paintings; perhaps make time for this in my own time (non-uni work).
  10. I need to put more effort in the final resolution such as using the correct paper, media and scale to make it professional. 
Ten things I have learnt about my time management:
  1. Need to work at the best times for me which is after uni or in the mornings. 
  2. Leaving work till late is bad as it means I have less sleep.
  3. I must ensure I have enough sleep otherwise I wont end up being as productive as possible the following day. 
  4. Spend a small amount of time to blog daily. (Obviously spend more time on the blog work you need to write lot's of information on) 
  5. Make sure I use my time wisely when in uni.
  6. I work better away from uni, but it is good to see others work in uni and get tutor help.
  7. Prioritize work that has to be done but spend longer on work I want to do and that interests me to produce an outcome I am happy with. 
  8. I am overall pretty organised and I always have an ongoing list of things I need to do.
  9. I need to dedicate some time to reading illustration books.
  10. I need to dedicate more time to researching other illustrators work and careers. 

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